Focus Area
Health & Nutrition
Data Management
Save The Children

DAMAX was contracted to conduct a mixed-methods barrier and facilitator analysis to inform the development of Connects program enhancement. Qualitative and Quantitative methodologies were used to gather information whereby Qualitative data were gathered through participatory methodologies with individual or triad interviews and focus group discussions. Participatory methods were used to:

1. Identify common touchpoints where first-time mothers (FTMs) interact with the health system during pregnancy and the postpartum period

2. Identify factors influencing FTMs’ use and non-use, as well as delayed initiation and discontinuation, of ANC, delivery, postnatal and newborn care, immunization, and postpartum family planning services

3. Identify health system responses to FTMs’ needs for ANC, delivery, postnatal and newborn care, immunization, and PPFP. Whereas the quantitative component included a structured checklist to assess the quality and responsiveness of services (FP, and integration of FP into ANC and immunization as well as PPFP) at the sampled health facilities. The study participants include; First Time Mothers - FTMs (ages 15 to 24 with one child), male partners of first-time mothers, facility-based health providers, and community health workers (CHWs). Connect aims to increase the use of postpartum family planning (PPFP) among first-time parents (FTPs, ages 15-24) by embedding an additional activity into a USAID-funded project, Lishe Endelevu. For the first 18 months (Phase One), Connect will develop and test the program enhancements at a small scale in one geographic area supported by Lishe Endelevu. In Tanzania, testing will take place in Bahi District (Dodoma Region). To inform the program, Connect will conduct a mixed-methods barrier and facilitator analysis. This rapid, small-scale formative work will use participatory methods to: 1. Identify common touchpoints where first-time mothers (FTMs) interact with the health system during pregnancy and the postpartum period 

2. Identify factors influencing FTMs’ use and non-use, as well as delayed initiation and discontinuation, of ANC, delivery, postnatal and newborn care, immunization, and postpartum family planning services

 3. Identify health system responses to FTMs’ needs for ANC, delivery, postnatal and newborn care, immunization, and PPFP. The barrier and facilitator analysis is not intended to develop generalizable knowledge, but rather to inform the development of Connect’s program enhancements.   This barrier and facilitator analysis is a mixed method assessment that will use qualitative and quantitative methodologies to gather information. Qualitative data will be gathered through participatory methodologies with individual or triad interviews and focus group discussions. Participants include FTMs (ages 15 to 24 with one child), male partners of first-time mothers, facility-based health providers, and community health workers (CHWs). The quantitative component will include a structured checklist to assess the quality and responsiveness of services (FP, and integration of FP into ANC and immunization as well as PPFP) at the sampled health facilities.