Our Projects

On going data collection activity with facility in charge
Performance Evaluation of USAID/Tanzania HRH Activities
Sector: Health
Focus Area: Human Resource for Health
Services: Research, Evaluation and Assessments
Client: Tanzania Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Adaptation (T-MELA)
Period: 2024

Tanzania Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Adaptation (T-MELA) contracted us with a task to perform evaluation of Human resource for Health in 10 regions where Afya Endelevu activities were implemented. The purpose was to evaluate the implementation and generate evidence on relevance, effectiveness, local ownership, and coordination. Additionally, to generate learnings for future HRH investment opportunities in the selected regions. The evaluation successfully gathered data from 257 health facilities ranging from Hospitals to dispensaries across 10 regions in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.

One of our Research Assistants is with a respondent during a consenting session
Understanding of Consumer Voices in a Changing Food Environment
Sector: Health
Focus Area: Nutrition
Services: Data Management and Use
Client: BBC Media Action
Period: 2024

DAMAX Solutions, contracted by BBMC Media Action, conducted a baseline survey in Tanzania aimed at increasing consumer voices in addressing the nutrition transition. The study focused on pinpointing communication methods that are most effective in amplifying consumers' voices and initiatives in addressing the nutrition transition, with a focus on identifying preferred platforms across different age groups and genders, exploring how behavior change communication can drive action among individuals leading to more impactful and transparent public policies addressing malnutrition comprehensively. Furthermore, it endeavors to comprehend the diverse factors influencing the food environment at the individual, household, and community levels, considering regional disparities in production, distribution, and consumption dynamics.
The project covered eight zones, 19 regions, and 38 districts, including 14 regions of the Tanzanian Mainland and five regions of Zanzibar. We were able to reach respondents from 2,588 individuals who aged 18 years or above.

USAID Heshimu Bahari Project
Sector: Climate
Focus Area:
Services: Data Management and Use
Client: Chemonics USAID Heshimu Bahari Project
Period: 2023

DAMAX was contracted under USAID Heshimu Bahari Project team to conduct survey. The survey aimed to unlock crucial insights into the ecological and economic dynamics of six out of twelve seascapes along the East coast of Tanzania. The data gleaned from this survey played a pivotal role in shaping informed decisions and facilitating the formulation of effective policies and strategies for long-term marine conservation and community development.

Key Geographic Areas Under Focus:

Tanga: Encompassing Tanga municipality, Pangani, and Mkinga.
Pwani: Focusing on Bagamoyo.
Dar es Salaam: Including areas neighboring the Dar es Salaam Marine Reserves.
Mafia-Kilwa Seascape: A critical area for marine conservation.
Mnazi Bay-Ruvuma Seascape: An ecologically significant region.
Empowering Communities through Strategic Interventions:
DAMAX Solutions emphasized empowering vulnerable groups, especially women and youths, through community alternative livelihood projects. By tailoring interventions to address the unique needs of these communities, DAMAX Solutions aimed to create sustainable pathways for socioeconomic development.

A Vision for the Future:
The data collected through this survey served as the bedrock for developing the Heshimu Bahari Activity intervention strategy. This strategy, informed by real-world insights, guided future initiatives in marine conservation and community development. DAMAX Solutions remained dedicated to fostering a harmonious balance between ecological preservation and the well-being of local communities.

In collaboration with the USAID Heshimu Bahari Project team, DAMAX Solutions aimed to catalyze positive change, ensuring the sustainable use of marine resources and fostering resilient communities.