Focus Area
Health & Nutrition
Research and Assessments
Nutrition International

DAMAX conducted a Baseline Project Survey to assess adolescent nutrition, sexual and 
reproductive health, and select gender equality outcomes using an adapted Nutrition 
Information management Systems (NIMS) toolkit in Tabora region.

This was a cross-sectional baseline study that collected data on gender equality to be used as a benchmark to monitor and assess the project’s progress and effectiveness during implementation and at the end of the 

BRIGHT project is a 7 years project advocating increased equality, agency, and wellbeing of all adolescents to exercise their SRH and nutrition rights, with a particular focus on young, in and out-of-school, and/or pregnant (YIOP) girls.

The study collected data instruments involved questionnaire, and semi-structured questionnaires and qualitative from 1680 caregivers, 1680 in and out of school adolescent girls, 807 adolescent boys, 160 health providers and community health workers, 160 law enforcers and 80 schools' teachers.