Focus Area
Health & Nutrition
Research and Assessments
Nutrition International

DAMAX conducted a survey of Maternal Nutrition, Birth and Post-Natal Package, and Weekly Iron and Folic Acid in the 5 selected regions of the project for Nutritional International to inform on knowledge and attitudes of project beneficiaries, behavioral change and barriers and influence of project interventions.

DAMAX employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection methodologies whereby household survey of over 1800 respondents was conducted of which questionnaires were administered to project beneficiaries (included women of reproductive age who are breastfeeding and have had a child between o to 12 months) and on qualitative, in-depth interviews were conducted to medical in charge in health facilities’ districts.

Nutrition International (NI) aims to improve the health of adolescent girls and women of reproductive age; pregnant women and their new-born; and infants and young children through reducing anemia, birth defects, low birth weight and stunting.

NI programs in Tanzania are poised to take off in an exciting new direction as of 2019. The 2019/20 financial year marks the end of the Right Start (RS) grant, which ran from 2015 to 2020 and the start of the new Institutional Support Grant (ISG).