Completed data collection for BBC Media Action and Tanzania Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Adaptation (T-MELA) Projects.

In the picture, a group of training participants is gathered for the "Training on Marine Conservation Laws’ Compliance and Marine Biodiversity/Wildlife Crime Enforcement." The participants represent various key organizations, including the Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy, magistrates, officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), representatives from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), members of the Tanzania Police Force, Regional Fisheries Officers, Council Fisheries Office
In the picture, a group of training participants is gathered for the "Training on Marine Conservation Laws’ Compliance and Marine Biodiversity/Wildlife Crime Enforcement." The participants represent various key organizations, including the Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy, magistrates, officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), representatives from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), members of the Tanzania Police Force, Regional Fisheries Officers, Council Fisheries Office



Client: BBC Media Action
Year: 2024
Title: Understanding of Consumer Voices in a Changing Food Environment
DAMAX Solutions, contracted by BBMC Media Action, conducted a baseline survey in Tanzania aimed at increasing consumer voices in addressing the nutrition transition. The study focused on pinpointing communication methods that are most effective in amplifying consumers' voices and initiatives in addressing the nutrition transition, with a focus on identifying preferred platforms across different age groups and genders, exploring how behavior change communication can drive action among individuals leading to more impactful and transparent public policies addressing malnutrition comprehensively. Furthermore, it endeavors to comprehend the diverse factors influencing the food environment at the individual, household, and community levels, considering regional disparities in production, distribution, and consumption dynamics.
The project covered eight zones, 19 regions, and 38 districts, including 14 regions of the Tanzanian Mainland and five regions of Zanzibar. We were able to reach respondents from 2,588 individuals who aged 18 years or above.

Client: Tanzania Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Adaptation (T-MELA)
Year: 2024
Title: Performance Evaluation of USAID/Tanzania HRH Activities


Tanzania Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Adaptation (T-MELA) contracted us with a task to perform evaluation of Human resource for Health in 10 regions where Afya Endelevu activities were implemented. The purpose was to evaluate the implementation and generate evidence on relevance, effectiveness, local ownership, and coordination. Additionally, to generate learnings for future HRH investment opportunities in the selected regions. The evaluation successfully gathered data from 257 health facilities ranging from Hospitals to dispensaries across 10 regions in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.