DAMAX Solutions collaborates with education stakeholders to foster early childhood development and promote safe, quality, and gender-responsive education, especially for vulnerable populations. We have a strong track record in conducting comprehensive research evaluations in the field of education.
Our extensive experience includes evaluating the Elimu Bora project for the Aga Khan Foundation, researching the integration of Sexual and Reproductive Health in primary and secondary schools in collaboration with Haki Elimu, conducting evaluations of the Education Cascade Groups (ECG) project for Project Concern International (PCI), and conducting baseline surveys for the Keeping Adolescent Girls in School (KAGIS) project in collaboration with Plan International. With a deep understanding of the education sector, we possess the expertise to design and implement rigorous research methodologies, collect and analyze data, and provide valuable insights and recommendations to our clients.
DAMAX tackles critical barriers to education, including limited access to early childhood programs, gender disparities, early marriage, and adolescent pregnancy. By integrating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) initiatives, we promote early learning and provide evidence-based strategies to reduce early pregnancies and STIs among adolescents. Our research and advocacy align with Tanzania's national goals for universal education, empowering girls aged 10 to 18 to overcome societal challenges and achieve their full potential. By addressing educational barriers at all levels, we contribute to building a more equitable and inclusive education system for all.