DAMAX Solutions is committed to advancing gender equality and social inclusion through targeted research, evaluations, and programmatic support. Our work focuses on addressing systemic barriers and promoting equity, particularly for marginalized and vulnerable populations. By integrating gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches across all sectors, we ensure that the voices and needs of women, youth, and other underrepresented groups are central to decision-making processes.
DAMAX Solutions has extensive experience in conducting research related to gender and social inclusion. We have successfully conducted endline evaluations for the project focusing on the Elimination of Worst Forms of Child Labour (EWFCL) during the third phase of the Child Labour (CLIII) initiative in collaboration with PLAN International. Additionally, we have conducted endline evaluations for the Kijana Jitambue Project in collaboration with CARE Tanzania, the project addressing child labor, early child marriages, and child trafficking in partnership with Terre Des Hommes (TDH), and the baseline survey for the Vijana, Ubora, Malengo, and Ajira (VUMA) project in collaboration with Plan International.
These evaluations encompass a range of aspects, including gender dynamics, social inclusion, child protection, and the promotion of youth empowerment. Through such studies, DAMAX has designed and implemented projects that address issues such as gender-based violence, early marriage, adolescent pregnancy, and limited access to education and health services. We provide evidence-based strategies to create safe and empowering environments, reduce disparities, and support the development of inclusive policies and practices. Through our work, we aim to foster equitable opportunities that enable all individuals to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.